5 Helpful Ways for Feeding your Infants

5 Helpful Ways for Feeding your Infants

Children need to eat well when they are babies and young to grow, stay healthy, and reach their full potential. The risk of getting sick increases when you don't eat well and malnutrition in children can be caused by bad nutrition.

So, it's important to ensure the baby gets healthy, nourishing baby food online at each stage. A baby's health is most important in the first year of life. At this stage, it's very important to follow the baby food tips.

1. Gradually add new textures

Many people think you should introduce foods with lots of different textures immediately, but you should do it slowly to avoid choking hazards. Even though babies have a condition called "gag reflux," which moves baby food online back into their mouths and keeps them from choking, it might make eating unpleasant for babies. Our first goal should be to make sure everyone has a good time.

And yes, when we need to change the texture for different babies could be different. You can change the texture if the baby likes mashed food better.

2. Wait to eat salt for a year

Many think adding salt to a baby's food makes it taste better. But the exact opposite is true.

  • Your baby's kidneys are still too small for them to be able to process even a pinch of salt.

  • We put salt in baby health food because we think it will make it taste better, but babies prefer natural flavours to salt, like spinach, ragi, jowar, etc. But if you add salt or sugar, they will never like the taste of vegetables or other ingredients again because the taste of salt is too strong.

  • Kids who start eating salt or sugar at a young age tend to be picky eaters as adults.

3. Don't use a system of rewards

Using food, especially desserts or sweets, won't work as a reward. Research shows that if you do this, your kids will start to value sweet treats more. If you tell your child, "If you eat your vegetables, you can have toys or chocolate," they will think chocolate is more important than vegetables.

4. Before one year, don't eat sugar or "organic jaggery"

Wait to give your baby any sugar, not even a pinch, until they are at least one year old.

  • People who know about health say babies eating sweet foods can get a sweet tooth early in life.

  • Children who eat a lot of sugar can have health problems like obesity and diabetes as adults.

  • Studies have indicated that infants who consume a lot of refined sugar are more susceptible to catching colds and other illnesses.

5. Khichdi, Dalia, or porridge are not enough for babies

Even though Khichdi and Dalia are good for babies, they are not enough for their organs to grow. Along with cooked sprouts, a baby also needs oats, barley, ragi, soya, buckwheat, Jowar, chana,  corn, Kulthi dal, cowpeas (chawli), etc. Also, babies may get colic sometimes because of wheat. 

Buckwheat, which doesn't have gluten and doesn't cause colic, is a better alternative to wheat. Our goal should be to feed our baby a healthy, well-balanced meal at all costs. You must use organic ingredients that don't have gluten.


Stay calm and open. Give your child praise when she eats, but don't make a big deal if she doesn't. Just take the baby healthy food away, cover it, and try a little while again later.

Also, Read this: The Basics of Baby Cereal: A Guide to Getting Started


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