What should be the Diet of a Baby after 6 Months?

What should be the Diet of a Baby after 6 Months?

As per your baby’s physical development, you can introduce solid foods to their diet. Generally, babies need
solid foods when digestive enzymes develop in their system. These digestive enzymes often develop when an infant is around 4-6 months old. Consuming solid foods before 4 to 6 months can lead to digestive issues and food allergies.

Besides, babies must have proper neck and head control. It will ensure easy consumption and swallowing of solid foods. Furthermore, one can introduce baby healthy food in solid form when they start showing interest in other foods or when they feel hungry even after breastfeeding.

How Much Solid Food does a 6-Month-Old Baby Needs to Consume?

A 6-month-old baby can have baby cereal mixed with breast milk or formula. Also, they can have solid foods for breakfast and lunch. Parents can include just one vegetable or fruit in their solid food for around three consecutive days. If the baby responds well without any signs of allergy, you can continue giving that vegetable or fruit. Likewise, add other foods to their diet gradually.

Best Foods for Babies after 6 Months

While you can find the best baby food online nowadays, Here are the best pediatrician-recommended baby food options to consider after 6 months:

1. Fruits Puree:

You need to steam and mash fruits to make the puree and introduce them to babies for the first time. You can give fruits like bananas, apples, avocados, pears, chikoos (sapodilla), and peaches to babies.

2. Pulses Soup:

Give a variety of pulses to your baby, particularly dals. You can boil them in water and give the soup to babies.

3. Vegetable Puree:

You can give vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes, sweet pumpkin, carrots, and French beans to babies. You first need to steam or boil them and then give them in the form of a puree or finger foods.

4. Cereal Porridge:

It can be made using various single-grain kinds of cereal, such as millet, wheat, oats, barley, etc. All these cereals can be powdered separately or together to make proper gruel.

5. Rice Porridge:

Rice is a great source of carbohydrates and vitamins. You can use broken rice and mix it with breast milk or formula to make porridge.

6. Yoghurt:

While cow’s milk is not suggested for babies until they turn one year old, unsweetened yoghurt is allowed in moderate amounts.

7. Vegetable Soup:

You can boil various vegetables in water and give the stock as soup to your baby.

Which Foods to Avoid for Six-Month-Old Babies?

Here is the list of certain foods that you need to avoid giving to six-month-old babies:

  • Don’t give them honey until babies turn one year old.
  • Don’t add sugar or salt to their food.
  • Don’t give any animal milk, such as cow, buffalo, and goat.
  • You must not offer seafood or red meat like mutton to babies until they turn one year old.
  • Avoid giving grapes, dry fruits, or chunky food until they are one year old.
  • Don’t give egg whites to the baby. After six months, you can only add the yolk to the baby’s diet.

Do follow these tips to ensure the healthy growth of a 6-month-old baby and above.

Also, Visit here: Healthy Foods Options for Pregnant Women


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