The Best Baby Cereals and When to Try Them


The Best Baby Cereals and When to Try Them

The paediatricians often suggest breast milk or breast milk formula as the primary food source for your baby for the first six months. But after that, you need to provide them with soft solids and baby cereals.

If your baby only had breast milk or breast milk formula so far, you need to ensure they gradually start swallowing thicker consistency foods. It is one of the primary reasons why baby cereal is the best transitional meal. It can be prepared with breast milk or milk formula in any desired thickness.

Benefits of Baby Cereal

While many baby cereal brands claim to offer the best baby food, you need to consider the fortified cereals with sufficient iron amount that’s crucial for their development and growth. Since your baby’s iron stores begin to deplete after six months, it’s crucial to provide them with sufficient iron content from food sources.

Baby cereals, such as quinoa and oats, are good sources of whole grains. Whole grains are known to provide higher levels of nutrition (like minerals and protein) and fibre content compared to refined grains.

The baby cereal is even a good means for different serving foods, such as a small portion of peanut butter. This way they add a little more nutrition to fruit and veggie purees for babies, together with heartier food textures.

Right Nutrients for Infants

When it comes to an infant’s food requirements, it is all about proper nutrition. The taste is not important for nourishing the baby’s body. This time you need organic oatmeal baby cereal, which is rich in nutrients, fibre and protein content for the baby.

A good oatmeal baby cereal contains the following nutrients:

l  Iron: One serving of Farex Wheat Apple Refill contains enough iron content to meet the daily recommended iron value for growth and development. This nutrient is essential for a baby’s brain development. Hence, it’s an essential nutrition source for your growing child.

l  Fibre: Your baby requires around 1g of dietary fibre to keep them from getting bloated or constipated, which is common in infants when they start consuming cereals.

l  Protein: Protein intake is also crucial in their first year. It is essential to form the whole structure of the body – from tiny cells to big muscles. Usually, oatmeal cereals have 2g of protein per serving. So, it fulfils 17% of an infant’s dietary food requirement.

l  Carbohydrates: One serving of oatmeal cereal contains around 9g of carbohydrates that’s important to boost energy in your little one.

How to Choose a Baby Cereal

You must choose an iron-fortified baby cereal. The best cereals are the ones containing quinoa-based grain and oats.

If you serve rice cereal to your baby, it is advised to limit it to a couple of times per serving with different types of foods.

Here are some cereals to consider for your baby:

l  Farex Wheat Apple Refill

l  Farex Variety Pack Refill, 6 Month Baby Food

l  Farex Wheat Rice Fruits Refill

l  Farex Rice Refill

l  Farex Ragi Rice

l  Farex Multi Cereal Mixed Fruits

Experts also suggest you make your cereal at home. Here’s how you can make DIY baby cereal: Add pulse oats in a food processor and grind to make a fine texture. However, remember that plain oats don’t include enough iron as the iron-fortified cereal.

So, ensure you serve other iron-rich foods like beans or meat, along with baby cereal.


You can start giving baby cereals to your infants between 4 to 6 months when they can easily digest solid foods. However, to choose the right baby cereal for your baby, consult a paediatrician or check the nutritional label content on a baby cereal’s package.


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