What should be the Diet of a Baby after 6 Months?

As per your baby’s physical development, you can introduce solid foods to their diet. Generally, babies need solid foods when digestive enzymes develop in their system. These digestive enzymes often develop when an infant is around 4-6 months old. Consuming solid foods before 4 to 6 months can lead to digestive issues and food allergies. Besides, babies must have proper neck and head control. It will ensure easy consumption and swallowing of solid foods. Furthermore, one can introduce baby healthy food in solid form when they start showing interest in other foods or when they feel hungry even after breastfeeding. How Much Solid Food does a 6-Month-Old Baby Needs to Consume? A 6-month-old baby can have baby cereal mixed with breast milk or formula. Also, they can have solid foods for breakfast and lunch. Parents can include just one vegetable or fruit in their solid food for around three consecutive days. If the baby responds well without any signs of allergy, you can continue ...