How Do Human Milk Oligosaccharides Work and Why Do We Care for Them?

Breastmilk contains a unique type of milk sugar called human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs). The most important thing to realize about HMOs is that we need a way of breaking them down. But friendly gut microorganisms can. Like a prebiotic, HMOs encourage the growth of good bacteria in the digestive tract. HMOs Promote Good Digestive Health in Infants: More than 200 unique HMOs exist now, according to some estimates. HMOs are the third most prevalent component of breastfeeding, after lactose and fat. Simply put, the abundance of these unique sugars in breast milk demonstrates their significance to infant wellness. HMOs promote infant digestive health in a couple of ways. Oligosaccharides in Human Milk Boost Good Gut Bacteria: HMOs have a prebiotic effect. This means they nourish beneficial bacteria in a baby's digestive tract, such as Bifidobacterium and Bacteroides. In digesting HMOs, bacteria make SCFA, which has its own set of advantages. SCFAs, for instance, contribute ...