Pros and Cons of Giving Baby Cereal at Night

Parents always want to provide the best possible nutrition to their infants to ensure better health and well-being. However, one important question that often comes to the mind of new parents is whether or not to give their infant cereal at night. To know the answer to this question, one has to understand the pros and cons of giving baby cereal at night. Pros of Giving Baby Cereals to Infants at Night: The first major reason why parents need to provide cereal to infants at night is to let them sleep for a longer period. For, carbohydrates present in cereal help in inducing sleep in infants. Furthermore, it keeps your baby’s stomach fuller when it’s mixed with formula or breast milk. This will make them feel fuller and satiated for a longer sleep at night. Another notable advantage of giving cereal to a baby at night is improvement in digestion. If your baby has any digestive problems or reflux, giving cereal to them can thicken the breast milk or formula while reducing the...